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How Can God Have All Power and Be Loving and Yet There Be Evil?

Writer's picture: Edward D. AndrewsEdward D. Andrews

The existence of evil in a world created by an all-powerful, loving God is a question that has puzzled many people. To understand this complex issue, it is essential to explore the origins of evil, the nature of God's creation, and the reasons for allowing suffering. This examination will rely on biblical scriptures to provide clarity and insight.

How Did Evil Start?

Evil began on earth when Satan told the first lie. Satan was not evil when he was created. He was a perfect angel, but he "does not stand fast in the truth" (John 8:44). He developed a desire for worship that rightly belongs only to God. Satan lied to the first woman, Eve, and persuaded her to obey him instead of God. Adam joined Eve in disobeying God. Adam's decision resulted in suffering and death (Genesis 3:1-6, 17-19).

When Satan suggested that Eve disobey God, he was mounting a rebellion against God's sovereignty. The majority of mankind have joined Satan in rejecting God as Ruler. Satan has thus become "the ruler of the world" (John 14:30; Revelation 12:9).

Was God's Creation Defective?

The humans and angels whom God created were perfectly capable of obeying God's requirements (Deuteronomy 32:5). God created us with the freedom to choose between doing good and doing evil. That freedom gives us a way to express love for God (James 1:13-15; 1 John 5:3).

God's creation was declared "very good" (Genesis 1:31). This included the creation of man and woman, who were made in God's image (Genesis 1:27). They were given the ability to choose between right and wrong, which is essential for genuine love and obedience.

Why Has God Allowed Suffering?

For a time, Jehovah has tolerated rebellion against his sovereignty to show that no effort to rule without him benefits people (Jeremiah 10:23). After thousands of years of human history, it is evident that human rulers have failed to eliminate war, crime, injustice, and disease (Ecclesiastes 7:29; 8:9; Romans 9:17).

By contrast, those who accept God as their Ruler benefit themselves (Isaiah 48:17-18). Soon, Jehovah will bring all human governments to an end. Only people who choose to be ruled by God will inhabit the earth (Isaiah 2:3-4; 11:9; Daniel 2:44).

What Opportunity Does God's Patience Provide?

Satan claimed that Jehovah cannot win the loyal obedience of anyone. God's patience allows all of us the opportunity to show whether we favor rule by God or rule by man. We indicate our choice by the way we live (Job 1:8-11; Proverbs 27:11).

We choose God as Ruler when we seek out and practice true worship based on his Word, the Bible (John 4:23). We also avoid involvement in politics and war, as Jesus did (John 17:14).

Satan uses his power to promote immoral, harmful practices. When we reject such practices, some of our friends and relatives may ridicule or oppose us (1 Peter 4:3-4). So we face a choice. Will we associate with people who love God? Will we obey his wise and loving laws? If we do, we prove that Satan lied when he claimed that no one would do as God says (1 Corinthians 6:9-10; 15:33).

How Was It Possible for Adam to Sin If He Was Perfect?

Adam was created perfect, as stated in Genesis 1:27, 31 and Deuteronomy 32:4. When Jehovah God pronounced his earthly creation, including man and woman, to be "very good," it meant that it measured up to his perfect standards.

Perfection did not require that Adam and Eve be unable to do wrong. They were humans, not robots, and had the ability to choose between right and wrong. This ability is what makes humans unique and capable of genuine love and obedience (Deuteronomy 30:19-20; Joshua 24:15).

Adam and Eve were given the ability to choose, so that they could obey because they loved God. If they allowed their hearts to become selfish, they would become disobedient. Acts of sin resulted from nurturing wrong desires, as explained in James 1:14-15: "But each one is tempted when he is carried away and enticed by his own desire. Then the desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death."

Why Did God Allow Free Will?

God endowed intelligent creatures with free will to choose to obey him because they love him or to disobey. This freedom is essential for meaningful relationships and genuine love (Deuteronomy 30:19-20; Joshua 24:15).

If God had forced Adam to be obedient, it would have negated the purpose of creating humans with free will. God's allowing of time was not to prove any point to himself but to permit all creatures with free will to see for themselves the bad fruitage produced by rebellion against his rulership and to afford them the opportunity to demonstrate where they personally stand on these vital matters.

Were Adam and Eve Predestined to Sin?

The Bible leaves no doubt about God's foreknowledge. He knows "from the beginning the finale" (Isaiah 46:10). However, God's foreknowledge does not determine human choices. Simple Foreknowledge argues that God knows everything, including future contingent events, but this knowledge does not determine them.

God's foreknowledge is like the foreshadowing of future events. It lets him know what the future will be, but it does not constrain the future in any way. The future will happen according to the free moral agent's choices, and God's foreknowledge tracks those choices.

Ephesians 1:4 and similar scriptures speak of certain ones as being "chosen according to the foreknowledge of God," not predestined. Foreknowledge does not equal foreordain. It is better understood that God knows in advance what choice people will freely make. The free decisions of human beings determine what foreknowledge God has of them, not the reverse.

How Do We Choose God as Ruler?

We choose God as Ruler by seeking out and practicing true worship based on his Word, the Bible (John 4:23). This involves avoiding involvement in politics and war, as Jesus did (John 17:14).

Satan promotes immoral, harmful practices. Rejecting these practices may lead to ridicule or opposition from friends and relatives (1 Peter 4:3-4). We face a choice: Will we associate with people who love God and obey his wise and loving laws? By doing so, we prove that Satan lied when he claimed that no one would do as God says (1 Corinthians 6:9-10; 15:33).

The Role of Free Will in Understanding Evil

Free will is a crucial aspect of understanding the presence of evil. God created humans with the ability to make moral decisions, which is essential for genuine love and obedience (Deuteronomy 30:19-20; Joshua 24:15). Without free will, humans would be like robots, unable to choose between right and wrong.

The ability to choose means that humans can decide to obey or disobey God. This freedom allows for the expression of love and loyalty to God. However, it also means that humans can choose to sin, leading to suffering and death.

The Long-term Perspective of God's Plan

God's allowance of evil and suffering is part of a larger plan to demonstrate the consequences of rebellion against his sovereignty. Over thousands of years, human rulers have failed to bring about lasting peace and justice. This period of human history serves as evidence that ruling without God does not benefit people (Jeremiah 10:23; Ecclesiastes 7:29; 8:9; Romans 9:17).

Those who accept God's rulership benefit from his wisdom and guidance (Isaiah 48:17-18). Eventually, God will end all human governments, and only those who choose to be ruled by him will inhabit the earth (Isaiah 2:3-4; 11:9; Daniel 2:44).

God's Patience and Human Choice

God's patience allows people to show whether they favor his rulership or man's. This period of patience provides an opportunity for individuals to demonstrate their loyalty and obedience to God (Job 1:8-11; Proverbs 27:11).

Choosing God as Ruler involves seeking true worship based on the Bible and avoiding involvement in worldly politics and conflicts (John 4:23; 17:14). Rejecting immoral practices, even in the face of opposition, proves our loyalty to God and disproves Satan's claim that no one would obey God (1 Peter 4:3-4; 1 Corinthians 6:9-10; 15:33).

The Importance of Personal Responsibility

Each individual is responsible for their choices. While God's foreknowledge allows him to see the future, it does not determine human actions. Humans have the freedom to choose their path, and this freedom is essential for genuine love and obedience.

God's creation of humans with free will means that each person must decide whether to follow God's ways or their own. This choice impacts their relationship with God and their future.

Understanding the Nature of Temptation and Sin

Temptation and sin arise from wrong desires that are allowed to grow within a person. James 1:14-15 explains: "But each one is tempted when he is carried away and enticed by his own desire. Then the desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death."

Eve's temptation began when she listened to Satan's lies, and Adam followed her in disobedience. Instead of rejecting these wrong thoughts, they nurtured selfish desires, leading to sin (Genesis 3:1-6).

The Consequences of Sin

Sin leads to suffering and death, as seen in the experiences of Adam and Eve. Their disobedience resulted in their expulsion from Eden and the introduction of pain, toil, and mortality into human life (Genesis 3:16-19).

The consequences of sin extend beyond the individual, affecting all of humanity. The inherited sin from Adam has resulted in a world filled with suffering and imperfection. However, God's plan includes a means of redemption and restoration through Jesus Christ.

The Role of Jesus in Addressing Evil

Jesus' life, death, and resurrection are central to God's plan to address the problem of evil. Jesus' sacrifice provides a way for humans to be reconciled with God and overcome the consequences of sin.

Through Jesus, believers have the hope of eternal life and the promise of a future without suffering and evil. This hope is based on faith in God's promises and the redemptive work of Christ.

The Future Restoration of God's Creation

God's ultimate plan involves restoring his creation to its original perfection. This includes eliminating all evil and suffering and establishing a new heavens and a new earth where righteousness dwells (Revelation 21:1-4).

Believers look forward to this future restoration, where they will experience perfect harmony with God and each other. This hope provides motivation to remain faithful and obedient to God's commands.

The Importance of Faith and Obedience

Faith and obedience are essential components of a relationship with God. Believers demonstrate their loyalty to God through their actions and choices, reflecting their commitment to his ways.

Obedience to God's commands leads to blessings and protection, while disobedience results in negative consequences. The Bible provides numerous examples of the benefits of following God's ways and the dangers of rejecting them.

The Role of Prayer and Worship

Prayer and worship are vital aspects of a believer's life. They provide a means of communicating with God, expressing gratitude, seeking guidance, and receiving strength to overcome challenges.

True worship is based on a correct understanding of God's Word and involves living in a way that honors him. This includes rejecting practices that are contrary to God's principles and embracing those that align with his will.

The Community of Believers

The community of believers, or the church, plays a significant role in supporting and encouraging one another in their faith journey. Fellowship with other believers provides strength, accountability, and mutual encouragement.

The early Christian congregation set an example of how believers can support each other through teaching, prayer, and practical assistance. This model continues to be relevant for modern-day Christians.

Overcoming Challenges and Persevering in Faith

Believers face various challenges, including opposition, temptation, and suffering. Persevering in faith requires relying on God's strength and trusting in his promises.

The Bible provides numerous examples of individuals who remained faithful despite difficulties. Their stories offer encouragement and inspiration for believers to continue trusting in God and living according to his principles.

The Role of God's Word in Guiding Believers

The Bible is the primary source of guidance for believers. It provides instructions, principles, and examples for living a life that honors God.

Studying and applying God's Word is essential for understanding his will and making wise decisions. Regular engagement with the scriptures helps believers grow in their faith and remain steadfast in their commitment to God.

The Impact of God's Love on Believers' Lives

God's love is a powerful force that transforms believers' lives. It provides comfort, assurance, and motivation to live according to his ways.

Experiencing God's love leads to a deeper relationship with him and a desire to share that love with others. Believers are called to reflect God's love in their interactions with others, demonstrating kindness, compassion, and forgiveness.

The Hope of Eternal Life

The hope of eternal life is a central aspect of the Christian faith. Believers look forward to a future where they will live in perfect harmony with God and experience the fullness of his blessings.

This hope provides strength and encouragement to endure present difficulties and remain faithful to God's commands. It also motivates believers to share the message of salvation with others, so they too can experience the hope of eternal life.


Understanding the existence of evil in a world created by an all-powerful, loving God requires a comprehensive examination of biblical teachings. By exploring the origins of evil, the nature of God's creation, and the reasons for allowing suffering, we gain a deeper understanding of God's plan and the role of free will in the human experience. This analysis, based on scriptures, provides a clear and measured perspective on a complex issue, highlighting the importance of faith, obedience, and the hope of eternal life.

About the Author

EDWARD D. ANDREWS (AS in Criminal Justice, BS in Religion, MA in Biblical Studies, and MDiv in Theology) is CEO and President of Christian Publishing House. He has authored over 220+ books. In addition, Andrews is the Chief Translator of the Updated American Standard Version (UASV).



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