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How Does Science Support the Bible?

Writer's picture: Edward D. AndrewsEdward D. Andrews

Introduction: The Relationship Between Science and the Bible

Science and the Bible, two realms often perceived as contradictory, can in fact harmonize in remarkable ways. This harmony is evident in two major areas of scientific inquiry: the nature of our universe and planet, and the history of our universe and planet. Biblical theism, as described in Colossians 1:17, asserts that God is directly responsible for all physical reality and that the laws of nature reflect His customary care for His creation. Furthermore, biblical theism acknowledges that God occasionally intervenes in extraordinary ways to shape and care for His creation, as seen in Genesis 1:1. The challenge lies in reconciling the biblical and scientific perspectives of our universe and planet.

Our Remarkable Home: Earth's Unique Features

One of the most astonishing scientific developments of the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries has been the discovery of the numerous features that make our universe and planet ideal habitats for life. These features demonstrate the intricate design necessary for life to exist.

Firstly, a sufficient diversity of elements, along with a relative abundance of critical elements, is essential for creating complex molecular machines capable of processing energy, storing information, and replicating molecules like RNA, DNA, and proteins. Secondly, carbon stands out as a critical element due to its ability to form bonds with almost all elements, creating stable yet reusable connections.

Water, as a universal solvent, is another crucial element. It remains liquid at specific temperatures on Earth, dissolving most elements and compounds essential for life's chemistry. Additionally, long-term energy sources that align with the chemical energy in carbon bonds are necessary to fuel the chemical reactions in carbon-based molecules essential for life. Over fifty such requirements have been identified, all vital for life to exist in our universe.

God’s Remarkable Design: Fine-Tuning the Universe

God's provision for life manifests in three significant ways: the mathematical elegance of nature's laws, the fine-tuning of universal constants, and the precise initial conditions set by God.

The fine-tuning of nineteen universal constants, such as the speed of light, the gravitational constant, and the mass of electrons and protons, is particularly noteworthy. For instance, the ratio of the strong force constant to the electromagnetic force constant must fall within a narrow range to ensure elemental diversity and a stable energy source like our sun. This fine-tuning is evident in the mathematical equation that matches the energy of sunlight to the chemical bonding energy in organic compounds.

The remarkable alignment of these constants has led many scientists to marvel at the universe's design. Sir Fred Hoyle, an English astronomer, remarked, “A common sense interpretation of the facts suggests that a super intellect has ‘monkeyed’ with the physics as well as the chemistry and biology, and there are no blind forces worth speaking about in nature.”

The discovery of DNA, the information storage system of life, is another testament to God’s design. The precise sequencing of amino acids in molecules like cytochrome-C, with an incredibly low probability of accidental formation, highlights the intentionality behind life's complexity. Romans 1:20 emphasizes this, stating that God’s invisible qualities are evident in His creation: “For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.”

Harmonizing Genesis 1 and Scientific Discoveries

While modern scientific discoveries support the notion of a Designer, conflicts between science and the Bible, such as those highlighted in the Scopes “Monkey Trial,” have sometimes undermined confidence in the biblical account of natural history. These conflicts often stem from unsubstantiated scientific claims and limited interpretations of Genesis 1-2.

One such claim is that life originated and evolved from simple to complex forms solely through molecular selection and natural selection. While natural selection explains adaptation and incremental improvements, it falls short in accounting for the origin of complex systems like the human eye. Michael Behe, a biochemist, refers to this as “Darwin’s black box,” highlighting the limitations of natural selection in explaining the origin of multicomponent systems.

The Bible’s Perspective: Science and Faith in Harmony

Many scientists find joy in discovering how God’s creation operates. Henry Schaefer, a professor of chemistry, expressed this sentiment: “The significance and joy in my science comes in the occasional moments of discovering something new and saying to myself, ‘So that’s how God did it!’”

This view aligns with biblical teachings. Romans 1:20 and Psalm 19:1-2 both affirm that God’s qualities and glory are evident in His creation. The natural world reveals aspects of the Creator, although it does not encompass all truths about God. For instance, while a scientist can analyze the molecular composition of a chocolate cake, only the baker can explain the purpose and intended recipient of the cake. Similarly, science provides factual information but cannot answer existential questions about God, eternity, and human purpose, which are addressed in the Bible.

Science and Biblical Accuracy

When the Bible was written, many cultures believed in gods who controlled various aspects of the natural world. In contrast, the Hebrew prophets recognized Jehovah as the one true God who governs the universe by precise laws. Job 38:33 and Jeremiah 33:25 refer to the “statutes of the heavens,” acknowledging the order and rationality of creation.

This understanding protected the Hebrews from superstitious beliefs and encouraged them to view God’s works as subjects of study that reveal His wisdom and power. Deuteronomy 4:15-19, Psalm 8:3-9, and Proverbs 3:19-20 highlight this perspective, promoting a reverence for the Creator rather than the creation.

Furthermore, the Bible aligns with scientific truths about the natural world. Genesis 1:1 asserts that the universe had a beginning, a view supported by modern cosmology. Job 26:7 describes the earth as suspended in space, and Isaiah 40:22 refers to the earth as a sphere. These passages demonstrate the Bible’s alignment with scientific understanding, reinforcing the compatibility between science and faith.

The Role of Science in Understanding God’s Creation

Science plays a crucial role in understanding the natural world, revealing the order, precision, and sophistication that point to a Creator of infinite intelligence and power. While science can describe the natural world, it cannot answer deeper questions about purpose, meaning, and morality. These questions are addressed in the Bible, which provides insights into God’s character, intentions, and relationship with humanity.

2 Timothy 3:16 affirms the divine inspiration of Scripture, stating, “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.” The Bible offers a comprehensive understanding of God’s purposes, including why the universe exists, the abundance of life on our planet, and the existence of evil and suffering.

Scientific Discoveries and Biblical Teachings

Scientific discoveries often confirm biblical teachings, demonstrating that the Bible was ahead of its time. For example, the Bible’s description of the earth’s suspension in space and its spherical shape aligns with modern scientific understanding. Additionally, the concept of the universe having a beginning, as stated in Genesis 1:1, is supported by the Big Bang theory.

Moreover, the Bible’s depiction of natural laws governing the universe, as seen in Job 38:33 and Jeremiah 33:25, aligns with the scientific understanding of physical laws. These examples highlight the harmony between biblical teachings and scientific discoveries, reinforcing the idea that both fields of study complement each other.

The Limitations of Science

While science provides valuable insights into the natural world, it has limitations. Science cannot answer questions about the purpose of life, the existence of God, or the nature of eternity. These questions require a different source of knowledge, one that transcends the material world.

Erwin Schrödinger, an Austrian physicist and Nobel laureate, acknowledged this limitation, stating that science is silent about matters that truly matter to us, such as God and eternity. The Bible, however, addresses these questions, offering answers that resonate with our deepest longings and aspirations.

Conclusion: Science and Faith in Harmony

Science and the Bible, rather than being in conflict, can harmonize and complement each other. The remarkable features of our universe and planet, the fine-tuning of universal constants, and the complexity of life all point to a Creator who designed and sustains the natural world. Scientific discoveries often confirm biblical teachings, demonstrating that the Bible was ahead of its time in many respects.

The Bible provides answers to existential questions that science cannot address, offering insights into the purpose of life, the existence of God, and the nature of eternity. By embracing both science and faith, we gain a deeper understanding of God’s creation and His purposes for humanity.

About the Author

EDWARD D. ANDREWS (AS in Criminal Justice, BS in Religion, MA in Biblical Studies, and MDiv in Theology) is CEO and President of Christian Publishing House. He has authored over 220+ books. In addition, Andrews is the Chief Translator of the Updated American Standard Version (UASV).



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