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Writer's pictureEdward D. Andrews

How Can We Address Objections That Honest Doubters Have About Christianity?

The Authors and Recorders of Revelation Simply State Facts

The sacred Scriptures, both Old and New Testaments, claim to be a revelation of facts from God, the Father, to humanity, His children. The writers of these Scriptures recorded this revelation not to propose arguments but to state facts. These writers did not anticipate that their statements would be questioned, disputed, or need proving; they expected them to be accepted and obeyed. The success of the gospel in the first century is largely attributable to the disciples and early preachers who adhered to this principle, preaching the Word without engaging in controversy. The age of controversy came later, leading to the development of apologetics to dispel honest doubts and enhance the favor of the Word of God.

Jesus Himself articulated this principle in John 7:17, saying, "If any man wills to do his will, he shall know of the teaching, whether it be of God, or whether I speak from myself." The highest evidence of the truth of the sacred writers' messages is obtained through obedience to them, similar to how the best evidence of an apple's sourness is to taste it.

Why Were Christ’s Credentials Not Attested to Pass Unchallenged?

The honest doubter may ask, “If Christ were truly the Son of God, sent to save the world, why were His credentials not attested to in a manner that would leave them unchallenged?” This objection appears strong at first glance, but it weakens under critical examination. The analogy to government representatives is flawed because while earthly governments are known entities, the kingdom of God, which Jesus represented, was largely unknown to humanity. Jesus was the sole representative claiming to have descended from heaven.

At His birth, an angel proclaimed Him as the Savior in the city of David (Luke 2:11), and a star led wise men to His birthplace (Matthew 2:9-10). These supernatural events were recorded as facts and believed by those who witnessed them. Jesus also pointed to His works as credentials, saying, "Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me; or else believe me for the very works' sake" (John 14:11). His miracles were not denied by His contemporaries but were attributed to various causes, such as magic by His opponents.

The Fact of Christ’s Miracles Not Questioned by His Contemporaries

The miracles of Jesus were performed openly, witnessed by many, and recorded in detail. These miracles were immediate and complete, often performed in the presence of numerous witnesses from various social classes. The healing of the man born blind (John 9:1-12) and the raising of Lazarus (John 11:1-44) are examples of such public miracles. The credibility of these miracles was acknowledged even by non-believers, as evidenced by historical accounts from both Jewish and Roman sources.

The Role of Apologetics

The purpose of apologetics is to address honest doubts and provide a reasoned defense of the faith. Christianity, as recorded in the Scriptures, is founded on historical facts. These facts, such as the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, are crucial to the faith and have been scrutinized and defended throughout history. The early Christians did not rely on philosophical arguments but on the testimony of witnesses and the transformative power of the gospel.

The Moral and Transformative Power of Christianity

One of the strongest evidences for Christianity is its moral and transformative power. Jesus Christ's life and teachings provided a perfect moral example, and His message of love and redemption has profoundly impacted individuals and societies. The apostles and early Christians exemplified this transformation, enduring persecution and hardship for their faith. The spread of Christianity, despite severe opposition, testifies to its divine origin and truth.

Addressing Specific Objections

  1. The Reliability of the Gospels: The Gospels were written by eyewitnesses or based on eyewitness accounts. Their consistency and the historical corroboration of their accounts provide strong evidence for their reliability.

  2. The Resurrection of Jesus: The resurrection is a well-documented event with numerous eyewitnesses. The empty tomb, the appearances of Jesus after His resurrection, and the transformation of the disciples are compelling evidences of this central event.

  3. The Problem of Suffering: Christianity provides a coherent explanation for suffering, emphasizing human free will and the fallen nature of the world. It also offers hope through the promise of redemption and eternal life.

  4. The Exclusivity of Christianity: While Christianity claims to be the only true path to God, it does so based on the unique claims of Jesus Christ and the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies. The universality of its message and its transformative power support its exclusive claims.


Christianity stands unique among world religions in its historical foundation, moral teachings, and transformative power. The objections of honest doubters are addressed through a careful examination of the evidence and the testimony of history. The reliability of the Scriptures, the historical reality of Jesus' life and resurrection, and the moral and spiritual impact of Christianity provide a strong basis for faith. As stated in Romans 1:16, "For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believes."

About the Author

EDWARD D. ANDREWS (AS in Criminal Justice, BS in Religion, MA in Biblical Studies, and MDiv in Theology) is CEO and President of Christian Publishing House. He has authored over 220+ books. In addition, Andrews is the Chief Translator of the Updated American Standard Version (UASV).



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