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HELL: All You Need to Know About Hell takes readers on an in-depth exploration of one of Christianity’s most debated and misunderstood doctrines. Throughout centuries, the concept of hell has provoked questions and controversy. Is hell a place of eternal torment, or is it simply the grave where the dead await judgment? What does the Bible truly teach about Sheol, Hades, Gehenna, and the lake of fire?


In this comprehensive study, Edward D. Andrews examines the key biblical terms and passages associated with hell, providing a clear, scripturally grounded understanding. Whether you hold to a traditional view of eternal punishment or are exploring alternate interpretations, this book will challenge you to consider what the Bible really says about the fate of the wicked and the afterlife.


By carefully tracing the biblical usage of these terms and contrasting them with both ancient and modern interpretations, this book invites readers to weigh the evidence and discover for themselves what the Scriptures reveal. With clarity and precision, Andrews offers an examination that transcends common assumptions, leaving no stone unturned in this vital theological discussion.


This book is essential reading for those seeking to understand one of the Bible’s most profound teachings and invites all to engage with the text in pursuit of truth.



  • Publisher: ‎ Christian Publishing House (September 29, 2024)
  • Language: ‎ English
  • Paperback: ‎ 113 pages
  • ISBN-13: ‎ 979-8339015628
  • Item Weight: ‎ 9.7 ounces
  • Dimensions: ‎ 5 x 0.41 x 8 inches



EDWARD D. ANDREWS (AS in Criminal Justice, BS in Religion, MA in Biblical Studies, and MDiv in Theology) is CEO and President of Christian Publishing House. He has authored over 220+ books. In addition, Andrews is the Chief Translator of the Updated American Standard Version (UASV).

HELL: All You Need to Know About Hell


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